Lake Powell Fish Species (Fish pictures not to scale)
Striped Bass (Roccus saxatilis) The striped bass was introduced into Lake Powell in 1974. This fish can live in both fresh and salt water, and can be recognized by the series of dark stripes running the length of the back and sides. No possesion limit. | |
Largemouth Bass (Micropterus salmoides) The largemouth bass has adapted to a wide variety of habitats. The body of this fish is elongated with dark green sides and a silvery belly. A broad, dark horizontal band with irregular patches extends midway on the sides. Possesion limit: 5. | |
Smallmouth Bass (Micropterus dolomieui) This fish is similar to the largemouth bass, but it has a smaller jaw and is bronze rather than greenish in color. Possesion limit: 20. | |
Black Crappie (Promoxis nigromaculatus) The black crappie is silver to olive in color with numerous black or dark green splotches on the sides. Vertical bars are prominent on the young only. Possesion limit: 10. | |
Walleye (Stizostedion vitreum) Young walleye have six or seven dark saddle marks on their backs. Adults may be dark silver to dark olive brown with brassy spots. The underside may be yellow or white. There is a black blotch on the dorsal fin and a white tip on the lower lobe of the tail. Possesion limit: 10. | |
Channel Catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) This spotted catfish is prized both as a sport and food fish. The body is pale bluish-olive above and bluish-white below. Spots vary from a few to many. Possesion limit: 25. |